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Ways to Give


Our Online Giving is back!!
You will love the new user friendly site!

Use the attached link to get started!

• Go to My Accounts at the top and enter your information.
• Click on Funds.
• Choose which Fund you would like to donate to.
• Click on Give Now and select the amount (or you can enter a different amount).
• Select One Time or Recurring.
• Click on Continue.
• Select your payment option and Complete.

We are very excited about our new Online Giving portal and hope that you will find it easy to use. If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact the office or OSV at or (800) 348-2886.

How much should I give to my parish?


No one outside of your immediate family can decide for you what the right level of giving is.  Also, alms giving includes your generosity to the totality of God's family here on earth.

However;  rule of thumb for some looking for a guideline has been one hour's wage a week.  For those of us working one regular full time job that is about 1/40th of your pay.  Some may find this too little or too much, but our situations change throughout life, regular re-evaluation of what you can give is a good way to approach the issue.

Safe Haven

Employees and volunteers must complete the Safe Haven program and a background check. This is for the safety and welfare of our children. It is a requirement of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston.

Safe Haven Instructions:

  1. Go to to complete your new online safe environment curriculum.

  2. Create a new account by completing all the boxes. This includes address, a primary parish, and how you participate at your parish or school.

  3. Start the Safe Haven—It’s Up to You training curriculum.You will progress through ALL three account creation screens before your registration is complete.On your main dashboard, you will Start Curriculum.Complete all sections—as you work through they will show as ‘Done’ in each box.Download and print your certificate when you are finished, or, email it directly from the site to the office or school you are associated with.

[click this link for training]

Code of Conduct
The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People
This applies to:

  • All Clergy

  • All Religious

  • All Seminarians

  • All Employees

  • All Volunteers

Volunteer’s Code of Conduct

Our Children are the most important gifts God has entrusted to us. As a volunteer, I promise to strictly follow the rules and guidelines in this Volunteer’s Code of Conduct as a condition of my providing services to the children and youth of The Diocese of Charleston. As a volunteer, I will: treat everyone with respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity, and consideration. Avoid situations where I am alone with children, and/or youth at Church activities. Use positive reinforcement rather than criticism, competition, or comparison when working with children and/ youth. Refuse to accept and refrain from giving expensive gifts from children and/or youth and/or their parents without prior written approval from the pastor. Report any suspected abuse to the pastor and appropriate local agencies. Cooperate fully in any investigation of abuse of children and/or youth. As a volunteer, I will not: smoke or use tobacco products in the presence of children and/or youth. Use, possess, or be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol at any time. Pose any health risk to children and/or youth (i.e., no fevers or other contagious situations). Strike, spank, shake, or slap children and/or youth. Humiliate, ridicule, threaten, or degrade children and/or youth. Touch a child and/or youth in a sexual or other inappropriate manner. Use any discipline that frightens or humiliates children and/or youth. I understand that as a volunteer with children and/or youth, I am required to take the online SAFE HAVEN training curriculum, and I am subject to a thorough background check including criminal history. I understand that any action inconsistent with this Code of Conduct or failure to take action mandated by this Code of Conduct may result in my removal as a volunteer with children and/or youth.


Here is the link to the Diocese of Charleston Code of Conduct> Code of Conduct - South Carolina Catholic (

Click on any slide to expand the slide  show to full screen and take control of the scroll.

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