Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Simpsonville, SC

Classes held Sundays in the Social Hall building
10:15 – 11:15 am
January 26 RE Class
February 2 RE Class
February 9 RE Class
February 16 No Classes
February 23 RE Class
Religious Education Program
Religious education and spiritual formation is a lifelong process. It is best if it begins very early in our lives which is why it is important that parents serve as the first and primary religious educators of their children. The duty of the parish is to support the parents in this vital and essential responsibility. Through our religious education programs, we provide critical support to the parents and their children in the area of Christian formation.
Sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation
All three sacraments require TWO years of preparation classes
Reconciliation aka Confession Preparation usually begin in First Grade
Communion aka Eucharist Preparation usually begins in First Grade
Confirmation Preparation usually begins in 7th grade
All three sacraments require attendance to Parent Meetings plus regular participation in Mass
Please note: Those wishing to celebrate the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion or Confirmation must have at least one year of active participation in approved Religious Formation Program and currently enrolled and participating in one of the Religious Formation Programs offered here at SEAS, at a Catholic School or an approved home schooling program.
Active participation also includes regular attendance at Mass.
After completing a first year of religious education at any of the above listed, please contact Sister Amelia, DRE at SEAS to make sure what your child needs for this upcoming school year at
Sister Amelia Marie Cueva, C.S.JB 864-263-3445 Extension 203
or Vickie Acosta 864-263-3445 Extension 201

Religious Education Sacramental Preparation
View or download 3 page PDF Sacramental Prep information brochure with registration form below.
For information on our High School Religious Education Program, please contact:
Sister Amelia Marie Cueva, C.S.JB
864-263-3445 Extension 203
Families Active in Faith

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